Friday 9 January 2009

Baby Massage Courses for 2009: new courses

For full details with dates and directions go to

These are 5/6 week courses of weekly classes, called 'babywise' because they aim to empower parents as well as provide a little oasis of fun babytime. In the first half of the class parents learn an easy and enjoyable full body massage. The second half of the session is spent exploring parenting issues over tea, coffee and cake or biscuits (all freshly baked!).

Starter course runs Tuesdays weekly 11am-12.30pm at Coombe Hill Farm, Keinton Mandeville, Somerton, Somerset TA11 6DG. ( for directions).

This course is for babies who've done some massage before and/or for babies over 5 months who need a little more action! Continuation course starts Tuesdays weekly (same dates) from 1.15-2.45pm. This course runs similarly to starter course but there is less emphasis on teaching massage and more rhyming and action songs appropriate for slightly older babies. We will also look at signing with babies, managing your time with a baby in tow, weaning, 'when to call the doctor' and baby yoga.

Numbers are limited to 8 per class.

Courses cost £45 for the 6 weeks or £40 for 5 weeks. Classes cannot be paid for on a class by class basis sorry...though concessions are available.

If you can't make these dates and really want to get started with massage you can have a private lesson either on your own or with friends either at your home or mine.

To register for a course or arrange a lesson please call 07976 336646 or 01458 224 599. You will be sent information and asked for a £20 deposit to book a place.